For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 (TNIV)
Christmastime is my favorite time of year. Because of the good will hanging in the air. Because so many things are covered in chocolate. Because families remember to spend time together. And there are more presents than usual. There is an expectation of kindness that requires us to think of others rather than ourselves. Prayers of thanks are encouraged. No one judges you when you take seconds of dessert. I love it because people sing more often.
We have started practicing songs for our kids to sing in big church. My two-year-old nephew, Drew, showed his mom the motions he learned for Away in the Manger. My favorite motion he made was the sign for “The stars in the sky.” Instead of making starburst signs in the air with his hands, he poked both pointer fingers up in the air to the heavens, performing a sort of holy disco. It made you look up.
I think Drew has it right. Take your finger and point it up to the sky. That upward glance of the eyes seems to drag the heart with it. The soul of this holy season begins in the heavens. Because Jesus chose to come to earth….we are thankful. Because He gave of himself so freely…we give. Because He offers new life each morning, it is an invitation to chase after him one more time…to embrace a new birth, a new life in Him. That is why I love this time of year. Gratefulness. Hope. New beginnings. It doesn’t get any better than that.
Faith step: Point your finger in the air toward heaven. Say a prayer of thanks for the new beginning you have found in Jesus.