Today's daily devotion

A Godly, Giving Heritage

She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.—PROVERBS 31:20 KJV

She lived in a time when railroads were king and hobos were common. They’d come to her door for a meal, and she didn’t turn them away.

She stretched out her hand to the poor and needy, and her daughter watched. The daughter grew, and times changed.

Rickety buses brought migrant workers from the south to harvest crops in the north. The workers were housed in dormitories and fed by their employers. But they needed clothing, so the daughter assisted with a clothing drive and helped to operate a thrift store for the workers.

She stretched out her hand to the poor and needy, and her daughter watched.

That daughter grew, and times changed. But the poor remained.

One year the daughter moved a poor woman into her house and cared for her during her last months. Then she took care of the woman’s funeral and burial arrangements.

She stretched out her hand to the poor and needy, and her daughters watched.

When they are old enough, they, too, will care—because virtuous parents generally rear virtuous children.

Your example of caring will be a beautiful legacy for your children and grandchildren, a precious inheritance in the eyes of God and man.

Father, I thank You for the opportunities You give me to care for the needy. Let me do so with joy, so I will leave my children an example of godly service.

Adapted from

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