Today's daily devotion

Be Happy

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.—PSALM 16:11 KJV

Happiness is a choice. But when we are in the throes of caregiving, we can often overlook that fact. Pressures of everyday living can crowd out happiness, and a frown creases our brow.

How do we overcome discouragement and unhappiness? It’s not easy to dispel the gloom. We must make a conscious choice and pursue God’s way.

Let us set our minds and hearts upon Him. Search for a slice of time to pray and read scripture. Take action by jotting an encouraging word on a slip of paper and taping it to the bathroom mirror or the car visor. God wants us to experience His joy. In Matthew 5:12 we read, “Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven” (KJV).

Don’t focus on the negative and suffer needlessly when our heavenly Father tells us to rejoice. Don’t be robbed of what He’s promised His children. Choose happiness despite the circumstances. Smile. Be happy. Experience His pleasures and rejoice. And never regret the decision.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your many blessings. In spite of any difficulties in my life, help me this day to experience Your joy.

Adapted from

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