Today's daily devotion

Caretaker of the World

“Go to my father. Tell him, ‘Your son Joseph says: God has made me master over all Egypt. Come down to me quickly. Live in the land of Goshen where you will be near me.’”—GENESIS 45:9–10 NCV

Joseph never envisioned saying this to the brothers who had sold him as a slave. But God knew otherwise.

Unjustly accused of attempted rape, Joseph had languished in prison, thinking he would see his father again only in heaven. But God rescued Joseph from the palace dungeon and put him in the penthouse office. Joseph’s administrative experience, both in his former master’s home and in prison, proved valuable. Caretaker of Egypt and much of the civilized world, Joseph gathered food for an approaching famine. God used the enormous power and riches Joseph now possessed to help his hungry father, Israel, his brothers, and their children.

Few of us possess the resources Joseph had at his fingertips. But although God doesn’t ask us for what we don’t have, He does expect us to share what we do have with needy, elderly parents.

Joseph also helped his devious brothers and forgave their past cruelty. The Bible shows no evidence that Joseph tried to turn his father against them, though he easily could have. Instead, Joseph reunited his family.

Financial help for needy parents and siblings may depend on many factors. But the Bible makes it clear: God desires sons and daughters and brothers and sisters to work for the reconciliation and blessing of their family.

Lord, You care for millions. Please help me show Your grace to the people You have given me to love.

Adapted from

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