Today's daily devotion

Day Writer

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.—PSALM 139:16 NIV

Why does Almighty God, a being with unlimited health at His disposal, write pain into today?

Why does God, initiator of various infinite excitements, write drudgery—the tedious repetitive routine of caring for someone who can’t care for himself—into this day for me?

These questions nettle us. In John 9:1–3, Jesus’ disciples saw a desperate blind man and asked the question that nettled them. “Rabbi, whose sin caused this suffering?”

“This happened so the glory of God might be displayed in his life,” Jesus replied.

Jesus’ answer shifted the conversation’s focus from a perplexing human question to a satisfying divine answer. Then Jesus acted to display God’s glory.

Like the disciples, we ask questions rooted in human perspective. God’s answer helps us look at life from His perspective. Maybe God wrote our pain so His glory could be displayed in our lives today.

Allow God to shift your focus from pain to His glory. He promises to show up and arrange circumstances—so He is your hero. Pain may lead to a cascade of spiritual blessing. Drudgery may be the backdrop for extravagant compassion.

The God who writes the pain is with us. He writes with purpose and love—and with our supreme benefit in mind.

Dear God, Author of life and each day, help me trust You with my pain. I beg You to take it away—but if my pain brings You glory, I ask You to take my focus off myself and help me turn my thoughts to You.

Adapted from

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