Today's daily devotion

Flying High

I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself.—EXODUS 19:4 AMP

Accepting the role of caregiver usually brings new responsibilities. Decisions have to be made, a daily routine established. Life can become complicated and demanding.

When you feel overwhelmed, try this: Take a moment and create a picture in your mind. You are riding high above the daily humdrum, carried on the widespread wings of a beautiful eagle. There’s no fear of falling, no question of your ultimate destination. You’re gliding, soaring, resting in God. It’s a wonderful image, no doubt. But how do we mount that eagle? Isaiah 40:31 says we hope. Hope is the act of expecting with confidence and anticipation. It lifts our hearts and energizes our souls.

To begin hoping, state your needs to your loving Father. Remember that He is in control of your situation. Place your trust in Him. With that act of obedience, He’ll scoop you up and place you on the eagle’s back. And you’ll rise, growing ever closer to Him.

Today, fill your heart with hope. Soar above problems with total confidence in a loving God. He will never let you down—He promises. Trust Him.

Heavenly Father, help me to see that my hope is in You as I learn to wait confidently.

Adapted from

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