Today's daily devotion

I’m Weary, Lord

The Lord is the strength of my life.—PSALM 27:1 KJV

All of us have moments in our caregiving journey when we feel drained—when we can’t take another step. We have difficult days, trying times, and perplexing periods in life. But we can be thankful that our God stands ready and willing to give us comfort and strength—if we’ll just open our hearts and let Him.

We’re tempted to “burn the candle at both ends,” sapping our energy to the breaking point. But then we’re of no use to anyone. We’re spent, poured out. Now is the time to learn to place first things first.

We might have to say no to something we simply cannot do or, as hard as it may be, delegate responsibilities to others. Then we rest our weary frames in the hands of the Almighty. He knows our limits, though there are times we wonder if He’s overestimating our abilities. But our faithful Father sees the big picture and shoulders our yoke with us.

Focus on the Lord. Ask Him for wisdom to prioritize the duties you have. Ask Him for the strength to fulfill your responsibilities. Send up a silent plea for rest and rejuvenation; then rejoice when He answers.

Dear Lord, let me find my strength in You. Teach me to rest in Your love and leadership.

Adapted from

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