Today's daily devotion


But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”—MATTHEW 14:27 NIV

A personal emergency response system hangs around her neck. Help is always nearby, as this device alerts medical personnel and caregivers to a problem.

This small piece of equipment provides immediate contact if she falls. It reminds her to take her medications. If she becomes afraid, a reassuring voice comes through it. She is never far from peace of mind.

As caregivers, we face similar fears—and are in need of similar help. Financial challenges make us uneasy. We worry that we might fail, unable to manage all the duties of caregiving. We even fear losing ourselves, being swallowed up by the demands of caring for another. “I want a lifeline, too, Lord,” we plead.

The good news is that we have one, just like Jesus’ disciples did 2,000 years ago. When those rough waters frightened the 12 men in the boat, Jesus came to them, telling them to take courage and not to be afraid. He was there with them—and He’s here with us. He offers us courage, reassurance, and peace of mind.

We do have help at our fingertips, and it is Jesus. Our lifeline is only a prayer away.

Compassionate Lord, You are my Lifeline and my constant Companion. Thank You for always being available to calm my fears and give me peace.

Adapted from

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