Today's daily devotion


“For I hold you by your right hand—I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.’”—ISAIAH 41:13 NLT

Like children, we can lift up our hands and grasp our Father’s firm hand whenever fear threatens to overtake our lives. It doesn’t matter whether we have a sin to conquer or an unsolvable caregiving crisis. God always stands there for us.

When our troubles lie beyond human solution, we are not cast adrift on a sea of caregiving woes. Nor when we face purely practical, ordinary troubles are we left to our own devices. Jesus walks at our side, ready to intervene or comfort us. Though any problem may toss us around a bit, anxieties need not overwhelm us completely.

No fear permanently damages us when our Father stands beside us. Let’s grab His hand, knowing He will protect and love us. He never fails.

Do we need more security than that?

No matter how protective my earthly father was, I know, Lord, that I can trust You to help me as I face so many overwhelming challenges. You control the whole Earth and every life on it, including my loved one’s and mine. I trust that You will never fail me.

Adapted from

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