Today's daily devotion

Take a Deep Breath—Energize

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.—PSALM 31:24 NIV

Sometimes it’s not possible to slip away for dinner and a movie with friends and family or even to luxuriate in a long bubble bath to shore ourselves up. Sometimes we have to recharge quickly: Energizer-bunny style. And that requires pumping up our spirit.

God wants us to commune with Him, to have an ongoing conversation throughout the day. He recognizes our frustrations and time limits. He sees our situations. And He wants to walk hand in hand with us on this journey. That constant communication will result in His rejuvenating Spirit being breathed into us. Charles Spurgeon stated, “This is how we live spiritually—we breathe in the air by prayer, and we breathe it out by praise! This is the holy respiration of a Christian’s life!” Holy respiration—an oxygen tank for our spiritual side.

Prayer and praise become essential lifelines for a caregiver. There might not be long periods of time to spend in Bible study, but just as we draw breaths, we can form prayers. Just as we exhale, we can send forth praise. Not time-consuming. Just lifegiving.

Be conscious of the tiny moments you can carve out during your day: waiting at a stoplight, folding laundry, preparing the morning coffee. Snippets of time devoted to inner conversation with the Lord. Be reenergized.

Father, I thank You for this day. Bestow upon me the energy I need to accomplish the tasks You’ve set before me. Thank You.

Adapted from

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