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Cured by the Healing Power of Prayer

God heals us out of love.

Boy in hospital
Credit: Getty Images

Since I was a child, I have always prayed for the healing of myself and others. This was something my parents instilled in us as children. No matter what the sickness was, from a cold to a serious illness, my parents taught us that the healing power of prayer could cure it.

When I was eight years old, I was in the hospital for several days due to a kidney infection. Our church community prayed for my healing, and by the grace of God I was healed and never experienced a kidney infection again. At the time, I didn’t fully understand how prayer could heal someone, but I knew that others were praying for me, and I was cured. Since then, I too have prayed countless times for others to be healed.

One of my favorite Gospel stories is about a father who brought his sick child to the disciples to be healed, but they didn’t know what to do. When Jesus saw what was going on, he intervened and asked the father if he believed his child could be healed. The father replied, “I believe, help my unbelief.” In spite of the father’s uncertainty, Jesus healed his son.

I enjoy this story because it is easy to relate to. At times, we all face an ongoing illness causing us to doubt our faith. The good news is that Jesus didn’t judge the man or hold his doubts against his son. He had compassion and healed the child. The same goes for us. God heals us even when we have doubts. Why? Because God knows what is in our hearts and loves us.

God can heal us physically and mentally. At times the healing process may take longer than we want, or look different than we expected. Sometimes, we might not receive a physical healing. This doesn’t mean God has abandoned us or that our prayers were inadequate. Regardless of the outcome, turning to God in prayer will soothe the spirit and bring peace.

We are all in need of healing in one way or another. Let us not lose hope in the power in prayer.

Lord, You are the great physician; heal us today.

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