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Give Honor Where It Is Due

The retired major told me that prayer makes all the difference and helps him not give up and dedicate his life to helping others.

Prayer blogger Peola Hicks

Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. (Romans 13:7)

We recently celebrated Veterans Day, honoring all who have served in the military. Veterans are worthy of honor for the selfless acts and courage they exhibit to defend our freedoms. In our Sunday service, we asked all our veterans to stand as we called out each branch of the military. The proud look on their faces was priceless.

Retired Major Michael Johnson served 25 years in the Army. He told me when he was serving he used to be the “go to” person for soldiers who needed help with their benefits. His retirement has not quenched his desire to help veterans. He says that one of the best ways to honor veterans is to give them a place to tell their story. So he convened a breakfast meeting called “A listening session with our military, veterans and family members.” He invited veterans from all the military branches and asked these questions:

  • How are you doing?
  • What are the greatest challenges you face or have faced as an enlisted, veteran or military family member?
  • Are you getting the services and/or assistance you need?
  • What can we/citizens do to help make your challenges more manageable?
  • What can we/citizens do to help you get the services/assistance you need?
  • What would you want your elected officials to do to assist you?

It was not his desire to solve all of these problems, but to listen to them in a way that made them felt honored.

It does not have to be Veterans Day for us to honor those to whom honor is due. We can do this at any time. After hearing all of this, I asked the retired major how we could support them through prayer. He told me that prayer makes all the difference and helps him not to give up and dedicate his life to helping others. He feels that it is God’s will for him to now serve as a civilian.

God bless you!

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