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River Jordan: Praying for Strangers Cards

Be inspired by River Jordan’s resolution to pray for a stranger each day.

[GENTLE GUITAR MUSIC] For people that are hesitant to speak to a stranger– I mean, even speak to a stranger or maybe the person stands out to you as someone on a subway. You’re getting off the subway. They’re getting on. 

We have these little cards now, Praying for Stranger cards, with a beautiful blessing. It’s a beautiful prayer, and you can also find it at PrayingForStrangers.com. You can forward it on to friends, coworkers, and other people because sometimes the stranger in your life is the person closest to you or right next to you, and you really don’t know what they’re going through. And they need a little lift too. 

But in the meantime, you could hand this card to a cashier when you check out at a store. And it says, “Today you are my stranger and stood out to me as someone beautiful. And I just want you to know that I’m praying for your loves to be protected, for goodness and richness to be in your life, for you to have grace, and for you to have peace.” It’s that kind of prayer that I think everyone could use. 

And people ask me, so exactly how do you pray for that stranger before you go to sleep or during the day? I think one of the most important things is I remember them with compassion. It really matters to me in that moment, if it’s only 30 seconds, if it’s only 60 seconds. In those moments, it really matters to me what happens in that stranger’s life. And I pray exactly for that– peace, grace, protection, health– the simple things in life that mean the very most. 


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