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When We Pray, God Provides

In prayer, there is no doubting, no hesitation, no apprehension, because God has enough resources to supply all that we need.

Prayer blogger Peola Hicks

In school, we learn about the law of supply and demand. It is what drives our economy. When there is a demand for a product, there has to be equal supply. If there is more demand for a product than supply, the price goes up; if there is more supply than demand, the price goes down. Over the years, I have learned about another economy that works in a similar manner, except there is never a shortage of supply to meet my demand, and I don’t need to worry about the cost. What a deal!

Philippians 4:19 describes God as the one who supplies all our needs according to his riches in glory, by Christ Jesus. The hand of God is open to provide for our needs. The price has already been paid. There is an endless supply and enough to meet every need imaginable. God has compassion and has proven time and time again that he is well able to meet our need.

We need only look at how God supplied the needs of the children of Israel to be convinced that his economy works. When they needed a leader, God supplied Moses. When they needed water in the desert, God supplied it from a rock. When they needed food for their wilderness wandering, God supplied manna from heaven. When Abraham needed a sacrifice, God supplied a ram in a bush. When we needed a Savior, God by his grace sent us his son.

In the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible, the name for God the provider is Jehovah-jireh. This was the name revealed to Abraham. He believed by faith that his God was able to provide right down to the last minute. We can be confident that when we pray, our God has enough resources to supply all that we need. In prayer, there is no doubting, no hesitation, no apprehension, because the promise is supported by the provider.

When I go shopping, I never worry that my favorite store will not be able to supply what I need. If I can have that much confidence in human ability, then certainly I can believe in God’s capacity to provide for me. What’s more, God also has the ability and knowledge of what is best for me. In God’s economy it is my faith that makes a demand on his supply.

My prayer point today is to believe that God loves us and wants us to trust him to be our provider. When we have come to a place of wanting to give up, hold on to the promise of Philippians 4:19. Claim God to be yours and say, “My God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches in glory, by Christ Jesus.” You may need to repeat this every time your circumstances seem larger than your faith. Also, join us for our Financial Breakthrough Day of Prayer. Submit a prayer request for you or your loved ones and hold on to the provider’s promise.

God bless you!

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