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Meet Bree the Rescue Rooster

Camille Licate introduces us to Bree, a rescue rooster she adopted in New York City.

[Birds chirping]

Camille Licate: Meet Bree. Bree was rescued from a New York City street.

And this is Bree a year and three months later. That’s Asa. Yes, she’s your friend. He is a wonderful rooster. Any questions? Yes.

Q: What about his feathers?

CL: His feathers will actually keep growing, just like human hair. We lose our hair. Bree will lose some of his feathers and then molt out. It’s called a molt, and then those old feathers will be replaced by new feathers. That’s you. Yeah. Yeah. And here’s baby Bree, and big Bree.

A rooster is a male chicken, and a hen is a female. And you see him doing that little beak, like that with his beak? That means he really likes you guys. Oh, and he just sneezed on me.


Chicks will have darker eyes and they lighten as they grow. So as you can see here, Bree has his orange eyes. He’s got his wattles, and he has his brilliant coat.

You got it.


Good boy. Good boy, Bree.

I’ve had him for a year and three months. Did you help them put the rug down, Bree? Good job. You missed a corner.

Q: Are you keeping him forever and ever and ever?

CL: Forever and ever and ever. All right. Thanks, guys.


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