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Inspired to Support Single Moms

A call from Guideposts Outreach gave her ministry a welcome boost.

Pam Kanaly

I read my very first issue of Guideposts magazine in college and got the most wonderful feeling: Guideposts cares. I kept reading.

I counted on the stories to lift me up—especially after my husband walked out on me and our two young children in 1986. I was shattered. Why doesn’t he love me anymore? I wondered. What about our son and daughter?

“Lord,” I cried out, “what can you do with my life now?”

That’s when I heard it—a still, small voice: Pam, someday you will speak to thousands of women about my healing. Me? My heart was broken so badly I couldn’t imagine being healed. Still, I held tight to the Lord’s promise, and heal me he did.

I married a wonderful man named Rich in 1991. In 2002 I cofounded Arise Ministries, which encourages women, especially single mothers, to grow stronger in their faith.

I share my story of healing with thousands of women on the TV, radio and at our annual statewide Oklahoma single mothers’ conference, “Survive ‘N’ Thrive.”

It was after that conference, two years ago, that I got a call from someone at Guideposts. My favorite magazine! I could hardly believe it. “Do you think your moms might want some of our booklets and pamphlets?” asked Rhonda Neal, manager of Outreach.

“Yes!” I practically shouted.

I knew just where I would put them: on the free giveaway table at our conference. No mom ever leaves empty-handed. Magazines, devotionals and inspirational booklets like Amazing Promises: 31 Promises That Can Change Your Life….

The Guideposts publications are a big hit. As one woman at this year’s conference told me, “Pam, these booklets are like little doses of hope. Just what I need.”

Guideposts cares, which means that you care. Thanks to the people who support Guideposts Outreach, the same message that sustained me when I was struggling to raise my two kids on my own now brings comfort and inspiration to single mothers everywhere.

To donate, call (800) 932-2145 or go to guidepostsfoundation.org.

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