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4 Ways to Help and Protect Our Military Veterans

Our veterans have protected us. When they come home, here’s how we can protect them.

How to help and protect our military veterans when they come home to civilian life.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

I was driving out in the country the other day and passed a mailbox. Attached to it was a short flagpole with a faded, thread-bare American flag. The wind was brisk, so it snapped and billowed in the breeze just like it had something to be proud of. I had to smile.

It got me thinking—as flags always do—about our men and women who have served. Since my son served, I’m more aware of the thousands who come home injured and disabled. These are my thoughts: 

1)  We need to say thank you. I’m so grateful that we have brave men and women who serve and protect this great country, who are willing to put their lives on the line for God and country. 

2)  We should protect those who serve. They protected us, now it’s our turn. We need to be aware of what’s going on with their benefits and their health care. It’s up to us to guard the trust they gave our country when they agreed to serve.

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3)  Their families need our support. Coming home from war isn’t always an easy transition. We need to be aware of that and step in and help the military families in our communities.

4)  We should help them find jobs, new careers and the education they need to succeed and support themselves and their families. 

The people who’ve served have often paid a great price for each of us. We may not always be aware of exactly what they’ve done, but the reputation of our military rests on each of them. They deserve our respect and our best when they return to civilian life.

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