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Going Beyond What’s Expected

Guideposts blogger and military mom contemplates what it means to go beyond what’s expected, to make a sacrifice for someone else.

How to go the extra mile.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. (Matthew 5:41)

Through the years, I’ve found myself at more another military funerals than I care to remember. Every one I’ve attended has been incredibly moving, but the passage the chaplain chose for one particular continues to stay with me.

He spoke about this soldier’s lifetime of practicing second-mile living, of going beyond what’s expected and doing what’s needed, even when that need requires great sacrifice. Although he was speaking of this young man’s life, it struck me that all those who have enlisted are practicing this precept.

We no longer have the draft in this country, and I’m glad. But it makes the willingness of these young men and women to serve in the armed forces even more of a sacrifice.

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As a military mom, I’ve seen first-hand the sacrifice of our military members. Here in the States, they face low pay, poor living conditions and incredibly long hours. During combat, the conditions can be horrific, not to mention dealing with the after effects, from injury to PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder).

Beyond that, I see the sacrifices of their families: the wives who cope when husbands are overseas, the mothers who become single moms to children whose fathers are in combat, the moms and dads who lie awake at night praying for their soldier children in harm’s way for the sake of others.

It’s made me rethink my own life. I’m looking for ways I can practice second-mile living. And I’m more determined than ever to honor those in uniform who’ve chosen a lifestyle of sacrifice.

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