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Micah Herndon on How Faith Helped Him Survive

The Marine veteran recalls how Sarah McLachlan’s In the Arms of an Angel reassured him when he regained consciousness following an IED explosion in Afghanistan.

That first IED that we did take in Afghanistan was January 9th, 2010. Later on, maybe a month month and a half later, we were involved in an operation. We were escorting packs and supplies to the main hub. So we were traveling down that road, two o’clock in the morning, pitch black.

It was a 50-pound bomb, pressure plate. Extremely lucky, everyone, there was no casualties and what not. I got injured, that was the hardest I’ve ever been hit in my entire life. It knocked me out, they said, for three minutes. They said I suffered a grade three concussion.

First instinct that I went to was to check myself. Check to see if I still had my legs still, my arms. I had everything. At that very moment, that was the happiest moment of my entire life. I had just survived something that was set out to kill me. When you survive something like that, it’s a very surreal feeling. I started laughing uncontrollably because I was so happy.

For every convoy, for every mission in Iraq and Afghanistan, we did listen to music on an iPod player. For whatever reason…I don’t know how that iPod survived that blast, but it was still playing. And I was still kind of dazed and shook from the whole blast.

My doc was checking my vitals, making sure I was all right. I heard the one song that was playing…really, that was all I could hear. So the heartbeat, breathing and of course that song was In the Arms of an Angel. Pretty weird that that song was playing at that time.

Our docs, you know they heal us, they save our lives. It kind of just fit that moment. Opened my eyes to a lot of things because before that, being deployed and what I saw up to that point, you kind of start questioning your faith in God. I think He answered me right there. I was here for a reason.

After he checked me, that Sarah McLachlan song was on, I got out of my vehicle. I saw what it did to the truck, and that’s when it kinda hit me. Right there I just lost it uncontrollably. I just broke down on my knees and stared balling.

Two IEDs I survived. I’m whole. I got my arms and my legs. I’m definitely here for a reason. After that, it makes you wonder what that reason is. I know a little bit of the reason why I’m still here: Me and my wife just had a little baby girl. I think He kept me here for her.

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