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Empowered by Prayer

Guideposts blogger Pablo Diaz offers a personal invitation to become an OurPrayer volunteer and come to the aid of those who need comfort and support.

How to become an OurPrayer volunteer and help others.

When others pray for me in times of need, I am reminded that there are people who love and care for me.

When life knocks us down, God hears our prayers and the prayers of others. He lifts us up from the pit of despair.

What would our lives be like without the prayers of our friends and family? If it weren’t for the constant prayers of my parents and my church leaders from my youth, I would not be the man I am today. I am blessed by these prayers. I have an amazing job, family and circle of friends. 

In Scripture, we are reminded to pray for one another. Why? Because it’s how we support, sustain and serve those within our circle and beyond. When we tell someone, “I am praying for your sick mom” or “I am praying for your rocky marriage” or “I am praying for your healing,” that person is encouraged and comforted. They realize they are not alone.

Become an OurPrayer Volunteer and Change the World One Prayer at a Time

Praying for others allows us to take the focus off ourselves and places it on someone whose problems are greater than our own. And while we bless others through our prayers, we, too, are blessed for our faithfulness to God. We are empowered by prayer.

One of the many joys of my ministry at Guideposts is OurPrayer whose volunteers pray for people’s requests worldwide. This service is a miraculous way for individuals to give back and serve others through prayer.

All are welcome to join us in this much needed effort, and I would like to personally invite you to become an OurPrayer Volunteer. Why do you think it is important to pray for one another? Please share with us.

Lord, may my prayers be filled with the names and concerns of friends, strangers and others who are in need of you and of my prayers.   

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