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7 Attributes of Grateful People

How gratitude makes the world a better place.
Field of grass with direct sunlight shining above.

Grateful people make our world a better place. So what are the attributes of thankful people?

This past week, while on the road with my colleague, Bill, we met some humble people. They taught us what it means to live a grateful life. Take John, a farm boy from Ohio who simply planned on attending a state school–until his final year of high school. He received an application letter from a college that was searching for people who grew up on farms in his area to attend their school. When his dad saw the letter, he exclaimed, “Son, you better apply to this school.” Although he had his mind made up to attend a state school, he applied. This school became his second choice…Harvard College. Never did he imagine he’d attend, graduate or become a medical doctor. John is grateful for the unexpected letter that changed his destiny.

John’s wife, Teena, is thankful to God too. She came across Dr. Peale’s booklet, Thought Conditioners, one day while in her accountant’s office. She reads her tatted, marked up copy every day, especially on restless nights. Teena is grateful that she discovered the booklet in the least unexpected place, when she needed it most. John and Teena convey their gratitude through service and giving to help others better their lives.

Across another town, were Gerhard and Margaret, a warm and loving married couple of 46 years. Gerhard recalled listening to Dr. Peale on the radio with his small children and recording his messages. At 67, Gerhard is on dialysis but grateful for his wife, grandchildren and the wonderful life he has lived. He expresses his gratitude through generosity; he supports 15 organizations.

These people and many others remind me of these qualities of grateful people:

  1. Express joy.
  2. Celebrate all of God’s blessings.
  3. Remember who and what helped your life turned for the best.
  4. Endure hardships with grateful hearts.
  5. Serve others with talent, time and money.
  6. Value the small things in life.
  7. Spend time with loved ones and fiends.

READ MORE: How Keeping a Gratitude Journal Can Change Your Life

Someone said, “It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy.” What is another quality of a grateful person? Please share with us.

Lord, may we discover the gift of grateful living.

READ MORE: How Prayers of Gratitude Can Help You Fight Depression

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