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A Pigeon Picks the Perfect Person

A pigeon picks the perfect place for her nest

An animal lover helps a pigeon with her nest
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

There are three things I know to be true about living in New York City. One, people here are much, much friendlier than they appear to be in the movies. Two, our food is amazing. Three, our pigeons are completely fearless.

Maybe I’m biased, but New York City pigeons are very, very clever. And bold too. They have no qualms about hovering near your ankles during lunchtime just in case you happen to drop a morsel of food. I can’t help but admire pigeons. They’re just so resourceful!

So I was delighted when I recently came across the story of a pigeon in New York City who took up residence in a pasta strainer. Yes, that’s right, a pasta strainer!

In April, a 33-year-old attorney named Genevieve Roman returned to her apartment in Brooklyn, after spending two months in California, and discovered she had a new winged roommate. A pigeon had taken up residence in the orange pasta strainer in her kitchen. Not only that, but the bird built a nest in the pasta strainer and laid two eggs. Apparently, she flew into Genevieve’s apartment on the 5th floor through a slight opening in the window.

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Genevieve told Patch.com that she’s a “huge animal lover.” Case in point, she named her new pigeon pal Adelaide and created an Instagram account for her. Recently, the eggs hatched, and Genevieve says she’s “committed to making sure the whole family is safe.”

Isn’t it remarkable? How a pigeon would somehow pick the apartment of an animal lover like Genevieve, out of all the apartments in the city?

See? Resourceful!

Photo by Genevieve Roman, Instagram

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