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Inspiration from Guideposts Readers: 4/13/11

It’s What Inspires You Wednesday! This week, we chose five comments from our Facebook page.

It’s What Inspires You Wednesday! This week, we chose five comments from our Facebook page.

Amanda A. Folk
My friends and I are making 325 Easter baskets for local children’s homes here in the Columbia, SC, area. Now that’s inspiring!

Leah Williams Gardner
I am inspired daily by the amazing individuals with disabilities who visit my assistive-technology lab!

Becky Copeland
Despite the terrible storms of last week, it is so beautiful around my town. When you look past the blown-down trees and damage done by the storm, you see that the leaves are the brightest green they have been in years. Isn’t God’s work the most awesome thing you’ve ever seen?

Pattie Sue Cartwright
I am home recuperating from surgery and am so inspired and blessed by the care given to me by my family, as well as the many meals brought by friends. I know that I am receiving prayers from so many.

Michelle McEwen Thornton
My inspiration every week comes from God, and God alone. Our blessings and our struggles and hardships: I thank Him for them all! I grow through all of it. I’m comforted, carried, loved and blessed.

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