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Inspiration from Guideposts Readers: 7/13/11

It’s What Inspires You Wednesday! This week, we chose seven comments from our Facebook page.


Darla Brand-Lambros
My two beautiful granddaughters inspire me to be a better person!

Rachel Linquist
My mother inspires me. We just lost my dad in May, but she somehow finds the strength to go on with everyday life, and I am inspired to do my best despite my own heartache. She is a blessing to me!

DevriKing N KarlMalm
My boyfriend. He was badly burned a year ago, and although scarred, to this day, he keeps a smile on his face and has adjusted so well to the changes he has had to make to protect the scars. I’m proud of his persistence in living and how much closer it has brought us. He is a true inspiration.

Jeri Roth Wingfield
Participating in a neighborhood garage sale is inspiring me today. I love to see items that I no longer have a use for get reused by someone else. I love my “free item table.” People are so happy to receive something free. I enjoy the people who come, and we share stories about items and experiences.

LeAnna R. Thomas
My son inspires me….he’s not even two months old and he’s already done so much more than anyone thought he could. I had to have an emergency C-section because I had severe preeclampsia, so he was about 10 weeks early. But when he was delivered, he could breathe on his own! I thank God every day for watching over him.

Faith Henshoher Barcroft
Our two beautiful daughters inspire us to be the best parents we can be. My husband has been out of work and without unemployment pay for the past six months and I’m a stay-at-home mom and part-time college student, but God allowed us to pay bills and feed our children. Prayer is amazing and powerful.

Michelle Seattleldy
My sister-in-law inspires me. Even though she is fighting her own health issues, when her brother was dying, I could call her anytime day or night just to chat. Her wisdom is remarkable. Thank you, SIL, for being there even in your own sadness.

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