
Quotes about happiness are sure to brighten your day. Happy quotes surround you in love, light, and joy. Turn to happiness quotes whenever you need to remember that joy is never out of reach for you.

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Latest Happiness Quotes

May your troubles be less, your blessings more and may nothing but happiness come through your door.

Irish blessing

We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances. I didn't always know this, and am happy I lived long enough to find it out.

author and critic Roger Ebert

Happiness is not a buy product.

seen on a sign outside a church in Moore, Oklahoma

Happiness is like jam: You can't spread even a little without getting some on yourself.


Get rich quick…count your blessings.

Willingness is honesty in action. People who are happy are people who are willing to do the challenging work necessary to get that way.

Edward Grinnan, Author, The Promise of Hope

Unless we honestly believe that we deserve it, and then work to achieve it, happiness will always be beyond our grasp. It’s not enough to simply believe in the dream; you have to believe you deserve it.

Edward Grinnan, Author, The Promise of Hope

Today I will be happier than a bird with a French fry

Seen on a sign in a frame shop in Boston

We don’t laugh because we’re happy, we’re happy because we laugh.

Dorothy Player, Guideposts reader, Rockingham, North Carolina

You never have to wait for anyone, or anything, if you find pleasure in the moment at hand.

Jennifer Freed, Lessons from Stanley the Cat: Nine Lives of Everyday Wisdom

Laughter is a shock absorber.

Phil Callaway, Speaker and author

The other side of the pillow; bakery air; when socks from the dryer match up perfectly … when you hear someone's smile over the phone.

Neil Pasricha, The Book of Awesome
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