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Instead of Anger, ‘Peace Be with You’

The words of Jesus after the Resurrection.

Peace be with you.
Credit: Getty Images

It’s that “peace be with you” time of year, when we read through what happened after the Resurrection and hear the words over and over again. It’s what Jesus says to Peter who denied Him, to Thomas who doesn’t believe He’s risen from the dead, to the apostles cowering behind locked doors.

It gets me every time. Maybe that’s because, personally, I would have guessed a bit of scolding was in order. Nevertheless, the first words out of Christ’s mouth tell me that the challenge of spring is being able to go and do likewise.

To the angry motorist who nearly runs me down, “peace be with you.”

To the rude clerk in the store, “peace be with you.”

To my husband when he’s tired and irritable, “peace be with you.”

To co-workers who make my life more difficult, “peace be with you.”

If Jesus can offer these words in response to betrayal and cowardice, I need to learn to offer them in lesser situations. After all, He gave us the peace that the world cannot give, but not so we could keep it for ourselves. We need to live it in a way that others can see it, yearn for it and ask that it may enter their own hearts.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Read More: God’s Peace Can Be Yours

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