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Keeping the Faith: Resist No More

Guideposts’ Vice President of Ministries reminds us that, though we all fall prey to temptation, Jesus is there to see us through.

Ty'Ann Brown; photo by Todd Plitt
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“Resistance is futile.” This statement is uttered again and again by the Borg, an alien race, in the movie Star Trek: Generations. Basically, the Borg seek to assimilate all humans into their race and do away with any individuality. Scary stuff.

Yet embracing this statement has helped me immensely, even if I’m not much of a Trekkie. Of course, I’m not referring to aliens. I’m talking about resisting temptation. In this season of Lent, many of us will temporarily sacrifice something to honor the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross. Maybe you’ve given up coffee or chocolate. Perhaps you plan to forgo gossip or screen time. Do you think it will take all your earthly powers to stick to your goal?

Resistance is futile.

Sure, it’s possible to resist temptation and give up a food or a habit for 40 days. I’ve done it, and you probably have too. Other years I’ve fallen short. But I’m getting at something a little deeper here. Once you accept the idea that you will never be able to resist all temptations, that you are never going to be perfect, that you can—and will—fall down, everything changes.

Basically, you are accepting that you are human. You do not have the spiritual fortitude that Jesus had—in fact, none of us do. But what you do have is the ability to welcome Jesus into every area of your life. Accept that you need him to lead you, to strengthen you, to help you resist the temptations around you.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). You can’t do it alone. The good news is you don’t have to. Resist no more.

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