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Learning to Spiritually Soar

Spiritual work requires patience and sometimes failure before success.

How to spiritually soar.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

I love watching gymnastics on television. The athletes amaze me as they race at full speed, achieve some stunning body-twisting maneuvers, and then land perfectly on their feet. And, oh my, that tiny balance beam and the jumps and twirls they do there always leaves me with my mouth hanging open while I watch. They are poetry in motion. 

Those moves are especially impressive to this old gal who does well to walk across a room without tripping over my own feet. I’ve been talented like that my entire life. I mean, who trips going up the steps? It’s a gift, folks.

But those skilled gymnasts make it look so easy that we forget the work that goes into it. 

I was reminded of that last week while watching my four-year-old grandson and my seven-year-old granddaughter at their gymnastics lesson. The instructor showed them what to do, and then they did it. Well, they attempted to do it. Kids were going sideways instead of forward. They were landing on the mat with one hand instead of two. It was anything but poetry in motion. I was impressed with the teacher’s patience as he talked them through repeating the tumble over and over again.

Those kids didn’t quit. Time and time again, they ran and tumbled as they did their best to listen to the instructor’s voice. They’re discovering—just like those Olympic gymnasts—that it takes dedication, failure and starting over again, and a goal of being their best.

Sometimes we expect to see finished perfection, to discover spiritual greatness from the very beginning. But it takes listening to His voice. It takes training to become our best—failing and picking ourselves up again, spending time in God’s Word, taking time to talk with Him in prayer, and finding moments to praise Him for who He is. 

Just as those amazing gymnasts soar through the air, I want to soar for Him. Just as they run and train and sacrifice to meet their goals, I want to live with dedication and passion for Him. I want to finish well. How about you?

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