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Read a Free Excerpt From the 2023 Edition of ‘Mornings with Jesus’

This popular devotional eases your worries and nourishes your soul with devotions especially written for women.

Woman closing her eyes, standing next to a Christmas tree; Getty Images
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“For you give a tenth (tithe) of your mint and dill and cumin (focusing on minor matters), and have neglected the weightier (more important moral and spiritual) provisions of the Law: justice and mercy and faithfulness.” Matthew 23:23

I’m a detail person. I enjoy the feeling of satisfaction when every little thing is done with precision. Oftentimes, I focus my attention on the trivial, instead of what’s important, and I end up missing the big picture. I pour my time and energy into small touches, making them priorities. Like the Christmas I spent an inordinate amount of time wrapping gifts and making the packages look spectacular. The presents were unwrapped in nanoseconds. All my hard work lay discarded in a heap on the floor.

In Jesus’ day, the religious leaders were more concerned with touting spiritual pieties than practicing godly virtues. When Jesus healed people on the Sabbath, the religious leaders were appalled and showed no compassion toward those who came to Jesus for healing. The leaders were sticklers for keeping the law and questioned those who didn’t follow it closely, as they did (John 5:6–16). All of their energy was focused on appearing righteous.

Just like I found out with my pretty packages, it’s what’s inside that matters most. I don’t want to become so distracted by doing good deeds or following religious rituals that I miss out on the big picture—having an authentic relationship with Jesus. Jesus doesn’t care about fancy wrappings. He only wants what’s inside of me—my heart. That’s the perfect gift to give him.

Faith Step: This week, take note of which things take up your time and energy. Determine whether or not those things are most important and should truly be given your attention.

Enjoy more devotions written especially for women in Mornings With Jesus 2023.

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