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Simple Ways to Spread Holiday Cheer

How can a kind word or a smile can make all the difference to someone else.

Smiling at a store clerk
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year to share with others the love we have received from God. During this festive time, we can spread hope and faith through our words and actions. We can do this in simple ways—offering words of encouragement to a sales person who is working in a busy store or smiling at a cashier whose line is out the door.

Recently, my colleague, Bill, traveled to California for a week, meeting with individuals who support Guideposts’ ministries. During this trip, he drove long hours, often getting back to his hotel room late at night. When he returned home, all he wanted was to sleep on the drive home from the airport in the car service he had arranged.

But the young driver knew Bill worked for Guideposts and was eager to talk about his faith struggles. Bill tried to fall back asleep, but the driver kept asking questions about reconnecting with God and how he could regain his faith. Bill surrendered. The young man needed to talk. After exchanging thoughts and answering his questions, Bill prayed for him. When he arrived home, Bill was happy that he gave up his sleep to share a message of love and grace with the driver who was clearly in need.

In sharing the love we have received from God, we may bless others with the encouragement they need to move forward. In return, we feel good about helping others. As musician Taylor Hanson said, “To the world you might be one person but to one person you may be the world.” 

Lord, may we be Your light, love and grace to others in this holiday season.

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