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A Message of Hope from Marilyn Turk: Set Time Aside for God

The Daily Guideposts contributor shares how she starts each with some quiet spent in contemplation and prayer.

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Good morning, I’m Marilyn Turk, and welcome to my kitchen. This is where I meet with God each morning, and I want to invite you in and show you how I do my daily devotions.

It took me some time before I had a system how to use this time wisely, but I decided that I would get up an hour early, so that I had this quiet time before anybody else got up. So that’s why I’m not talking very loud, because I’m trying to keep everybody else asleep.

So this is what I do. First, I read from my “Daily Guideposts.” Then I look up the Bible verses. I could use my phone or I could use my Bible. Also, because it’s Lent, I’m doing a 40-day sugar fast– at least reading the devotions and trying to do a 40-day sugar fast.

I’m also doing a study that we started as a group study. Max Lucado, “He Chose The Nails,” which is something to study. And then when I finish reading, I write in my journal. This is my prayer journal. And I use notebooks, spiral-bound notebooks, because I like to lay them flat.

So that’s the way I do my devotions. Because I need to start my day with time with God. It makes so much difference to my day. And I’d like to hear how you spend your time with God. Do you set time aside? Do you meet in any certain place? Because He wants to spend that time with you, just like you need to spend that time with Him.

So thanks for joining me. Have a great day, bye.

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