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Faith as a Force Against Fear

God’s grace can conquer trouble.
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Everyone has their own battles to fight. In turmoil or crisis, lives can unravel; emotions can get the best of us. Too often we try to navigate rough waters on our own, only to find we don’t have the energy or power to do so. This is when we must learn to let our faith sustain and carry us. It’s never easy. Our fears get the best of us, but as Pastor Rick Warren wrote, “Fear is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of humanity.”

Recently, I received a text message from a former church member inviting my wife and me to her home for coffee. We weren’t sure what to expect, but I suspected it had to do with the divorce she is going through. (After much counseling, pastoral care and years of trying, the marriage had ended.) Over coffee, she expressed her feelings around this painful event. Although her faith has carried her through good and bad times, her fears were getting the best of her. I explained how God had gotten me through many trying times and how He would do the same for her.

When overwhelmed by troubles, it’s only natural that fear kicks in. Yet we know the greatest force against fear is faith­—faith in a God who knows all our affairs and how much we can endure, a God who can turn our worst tragedies into victories. When we find ourselves lacking in faith, let God’s grace abound in our lives. I like to think of those moments as opportunities to “start over.” Some days our faith will be strong; other days our doubts will seem stronger. The key is to keep pushing through our fears, doubts and obstacles. Our faith can and will sustain us.

Lord, there are days when my troubles get the best of me, help me keep my faith in You.

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