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Keep the Faith with Ty’Ann Brown: Hope Restored

Guideposts’ VP of Ministries celebrates the hope that accompanies Holy Week and its culmination, the joy of Easter.

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Hello everyone, I’m Ty’Ann Brown, encouraging you to keep the faith.

Here we are in Holy Week once again, the seven days where we mark the amazing events that lead up to Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection.

It’s our second Holy Week in quarantine. Last year many of us were frankly dazed and confused as we grappled to understand how the coronavirus pandemic was completely changing every aspect of our lives. Many people were sick. Countless others were isolated and working at home. Some lost their jobs.

Fear was rampant, but here we are a year later and there is great reason to hope, and that hope comes not just because of vaccines, a recovering economy and other things going on in the world. The real hope comes when we remember what went on during Holy Week.

Take a moment to remember Jesus’ suffering during that one week leading up to His crucifixion. While the week starts with Jesus’ triumphant return to Jerusalem, He’s soon betrayed, arrested and suffered a brutal death on the cross. Jesus’ followers were as stunned and confused as we were when a pandemic suddenly spread across the globe.

At the time, all hope seemed to be lost. But of course, we know that three days later Jesus rose from the dead, hope restored. So perhaps the lesson is only when we know true suffering and deep desperation can we experience the true promise of hope. So hope is restored, not in spite of our suffering but because of it.

Hebrews 2:18 tells us, “Since Jesus went through suffering and temptation, He knows what it’s like when we suffer and we are tempted, and He is able to help us.” He is able to help us. Sometimes in the chaos of daily life we forget that. Even in the midst of our worst days if you trust Him and trust in the promise of hope, you can experience new life. As Charles Spurgeon said, “To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust him in the dark—that is faith.” Hold tight to hope this week. He has risen. God bless you.

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