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The Fireworks of Democracy

What would the Founding Fathers have thought of the rancorous tone of politics? I hope we can suspend hostilities for a few days and remember why we are able to argue in the first place.

Happy Fourth, everyone. Me and the gals are up in the country celebrating with a nice long lazy summer weekend, which is why, on orders from the gals, I’m going to keep this blog short.

There’s shopping, hiking and napping to do. But listening to the radio on the way up, I couldn’t help but notice the hyper-rancorous tone of politics in the country. It can be a little disheartening.

I hope we can suspend hostilities for a few days and remember why we are able to argue in the first place: because the founders of our democracy fought to secure our rights to speak our minds and vote our beliefs. These are the fireworks of the democratic process…noisy, but in the end beautiful to behold.

We are still facing tough times, and my prayer for the Fourth is that the country is able to come together and solve its problems, as we always have. Each side says the Founding Fathers would be frowning on the positions of the other side. I beg to differ. Two hundred and thirty-five years later I think they would be smiling that democracy, with all its rough edges, is still going strong.

Hope this Fourth is a good one for all of you. Post below and tell me how you will be celebrating.

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