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The Mysterious Timing of a Guideposts Devotional and a Delayed Wedding

How did two unrelated events meet on one momentous weekend?

Rick Hamlin
Credit: Jim Anness

Sometimes the timing of a Daily Guideposts devotional can surprise even us editors. Take the one I wrote that appeared on Sunday, September 19. 

That was a festive weekend for us because we had celebrated our son Tim’s wedding with his beloved Henley. It was one of those Covid-delayed events, something that was supposed to happen last year but then got cancelled months beforehand. 

Tim and Henley's weddingIn the meanwhile, last year, the bride and groom pledged their troth and exchanged rings in a very private ceremony with the New York skyline in the background—letting God know who they were to each other. They’d just moved to New York where Tim began his schooling at seminary in preparation for his calling as a minister. What a blessing.

And the blessings multiplied —as they do—when their son Silas entered the world this July. Tim and Henley moved into an apartment half a block away, so we babysitters are close at hand. Just call me Gramps, my new name.

By then, vaccinations had made the prospect of a wedding, with guests coming from far and near, much safer. The date was picked and settled on, September 18. 

September weddings seem to be a family tradition. My parents were wed on a September day back in 1948 and three years ago our older son William got married to his wife Karen in California on a luminous September day, a wedding I had the honor of presiding over.

And now this one.

All the events would be outside on the Eastern shore of Maryland where Henley grew up and her family lived. We stormed the heavens in advance, praying for a rain-free day. Sure enough, we were greeted with spectacular weather, dry and cool.

At the ceremony I had the privilege of reading the prayers. (Truth to tell, I was so happily distracted—blissfully unaware—that I had to be reminded during the service that it was my turn.) William stood by his brother, the best man. And when husband and wife were presented to the crowd we burst into applause. Some of us wiped away a tear or two.

The reception was by the water’s edge under a large tent and goodness knows, we all snapped photo after photo with our phones, posting them on social media. Let everyone celebrate with us.

It was only the next morning, Sunday, that a friend commented on Facebook how appropriate my devotional was for that day, September 19, because I’d written about Will and Karen’s wedding, with the accompanying Bible verse from Song of Songs, “Set me as a seal upon your heart…” 

Now you must know that the 2021 issue of Daily Guideposts was printed long before we knew when this wedding would happen. Or even if it would happen. We editors like to time things just right, but this was an instance of God’s timing. Divine providence.

Happy Day. Happy bridal couple. Blessed and blessed and blessed we are.

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