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The ‘Why You’re Great’ Project

A way to cheer up when you’re feeling down.

Why you're wonderful!
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

About two years ago, one of my Guideposts colleagues emailed me to share a nice comment she’d witnessed another editor make about a story I’d written. I jokingly told her that I would keep her email with those kind words forever. She replied back and said, “As a friend once told me, you should put it in your ‘Why I’m Great’ file.” 

Well, I have to tell you, that’s exactly what I did! I created a folder in my email inbox specifically for those kinds of emails.   

But the folder quickly became more than just a place where good emails go to retire. I also started sending myself emails to document little bits of loveliness (or terribleness!) that unfolded in my life.

For example, I sent myself an email recapping the day I got promoted at work. But I also emailed myself on a really, really bad day, so I could eventually look back and see how far I’d come. I love that folder in my inbox. Not only does it help me count my blessings. But it also helps me remember that the bad days don’t stay bad forever. 

Last week, I was telling my friend Pete about the “Why I’m Great” folder (you can also call it a “Why God Is Great” folder!). He had another idea for it.

“If only there was a way for people to get a ‘Why You’re Great’ email whenever they’re feeling down,” he said. “What if everyone sent an email to three people in their lives right now telling them why they’re great?”

So there you have it—my goal for the weekend! I’m going to email three people and let them know exactly why I think they’re great. That way they have something for their own “Why I’m Great” folders or, at the very least, a little something to cheer them up when they’re feeling down.

I would love if you joined me in this little project. Just think of the domino effect of wonderfulness that might ensue!

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