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10 Most Inspiring Love Stories

Edward Grinnan introduces a list of inspiring love stories from Guideposts magazine.

Edward Grinnan

All great stories are love stories. And most great Guideposts stories are love stories…love of family, love of partner, love of country, love of God. Love is the universal, cosmic, all-encompassing ultimate theme.

From the Greeks to the soaps (and it’s not that great a leap in terms of subject matter) we are always trying to figure out love, why it makes us happy or crazy or brave or compassionate. So many of the qualities that make us human are fed by love. 

I remember the first time I was dragged to the theater to see Shakespeare. It was seventh grade and we were loaded onto a bus and driven to Wayne State University in Detroit to see a production of Twelfth Night, something no seventh-grade boy wants to sit through. Upon trying to read the play beforehand I found the language archaic and impenetrable and the prospect of watching it performed unbearable. I was prepared to sneer.   

Then the stage lights came up on bewitching Illyria and cast nothing short of a spell on me and my adolescent cynicism. I fell in love with the romance of Viola and Orsino, with the beauty of the spoken dialogue, and with William Shakespeare. I’d walked into the theater a hardened young teen; I left a romantic. The following year Franco Zeffirelli released his film version of Romeo and Juliet and like every boy in my general demographic I formed a ridiculous crush on the actress playing Juliet, Olivia Hussey, that persists in some vague way even to this day.

Love does amazing things to us. It redeems and transforms and inspires. The editors have put together their 10 most inspiring Guideposts love stories. Have a look and then tell us what your favorite love story is.

Happy Valentine’s to everyone!      

Hope for Love
Award-winning actress Andie MacDowell yearned for a happy family, united through faith and love.

Faith, Hope & Love—That’s All It Takes
When her husband is given one more night to live, one woman ups the ante with her hope and faith.

How Love Endures After They’re Gone
Her husband was one of the seven heroes lost in the space shuttle Columbia disaster.

Happiness Is Owning a Dog
When author Dean Koontz welcomed a dog into his home, he had no idea the personal growth and life lessons he would gain from the experience—a different kind of love story.

A Military Wife’s Mission
After a serious injury in Iraq, this soldier needed his wife. Her inspiring story shows the strength it took to help him heal.

Faith Reunited Them
In this inspiring story, faith and prayer reunite a divorced couple.

Daily Prayer for True Love
A lonely woman relies on hope and faith when she meets a man who may be “the one.”

Prime Cut
A divorced and broken woman finds the courage to put herself out there again…and finds love!

A Life-Changing Love
I had this funny feeling that something big was about to happen.

How Italy Saved Their Marriage
After 20 years our marriage felt stale. No, worse—empty. We were headed for divorce until we headed for Italy.

Read Edward’s never-before-told story of personal transformation in his new book, The Promise of Hope.






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