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5 Easy Ways to Make Gratitude a Habit

Developing the habit of gratitude.
A woman stands with her arms outstretched showing her habit of gratitude

A grateful attitude is good medicine. However, the busyness of life, financial issues and work stress can distract us from all that we have to be thankful for. As humans, we have a tendency to focus on troubles and not on blessings, but there are practical things we can do to help boost our appreciation for our life and start a gratitude habit.

1)  Start the Day by Making Gratitude Your Attitude

When we wake up each day, we have the choice to have a grateful mindset and spirit. Begin each day by stating what you are grateful for and be thankful in prayer. In doing so, we can positively affect how we experience the rest of the day. Here are a few things you can do to begin your gratitude habit in the morning

2)  Say “Thanks” More Often

This one word has the power to uplift the attitude of the person you thank as well as your own. Let others know they are appreciated, and you’ll feel good, too, as a result. Say “thank you” to those who help you at work, your doctor, the supermarket staff and others.

3)  Create a Gratitude Journal

Be intentional. Journal every day about the things, people, experiences, moments, events and meals you are grateful for. Over time you can look back and see the goodness of God in your life. READ MORE: Start a Gratitude Journal

4)  Be Uplifted by Others

Read stories or watch videos about people who have overcome great challenges in their lives. These stories can help us realize that even in the worst of times we have a lot to be thankful for. READ MORE: Inspiring Stories that Will Leave You Feeling Grateful

5)  Spread Thanksgiving Throughout the Year

Enjoy a meal with people you are grateful to have in your life. Make it a positive practice of being with those who fill your heart with love and gratitude.

A wise person once said, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” It takes positive habits to ensure that we remain cheerful and grateful in the different seasons of our lives. How do you make your gratitude a habit? If you have any tips on how to boost one’s thankfulness, please share with us.

Lord, thank you for the gift of gratitude; help us to be intentional and develop practical habits to boost our gratitude.

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