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5 Ways to Have a Happier Holiday

No matter what stressful situations you’re facing, these positive thinking tips can ease an anxious mind. 

5 Ways to Have a Happier Holiday

The holidays are a tough time for everyone: running to get gifts, make dinners, write cards, visit family…it’s hard to remember slow down and enjoy the season, but after years of working at it, here’s what I’ve learned.

1. Be a hum-bug.
One day a customer got in my favorite checkout clerk’s line and threw groceries down, grumbling. The clerk’s response? She started to sing in a friendly tone. The song was peaceful. The customer visibly relaxed. When you meet grumps, smile and hum. Your positive energy will rub off on them.

2. Worry less, enjoy more.
Say you have to see your ex tomorrow, and it’s not going to be pleasant. Why worry about it now and make today a drag? Isn’t having the dreaded encounter once, in real time, enough? Clear the worries from your mind and make room for better things.

3. Let go, let God.
My friend Claire had a neighbor who constantly picked fights with her. Instead of fighting back, she turned the situation over to God. Maybe he meant her to learn from her neighbor. Sure enough, Claire realized she was once like this guy—cranky, prone to take offense. Seeing his behavior reminded her never to backslide. Why not exchange your lower impulses for a higher power?

4. Picture the perfect outcome.
An upcoming meeting with some stressful people filled my  head with visions of conflict. I decided to give equal time to painting a more positive mental picture. I imagined the meeting going off without a hitch. And my visualization came true. I’m no magician, but I have come to accept the mysterious power of our minds. Use yours!

5. Relax on red.
I used to get annoyed every time I missed a traffic light and had to wait for it to turn green. Then I heard the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh say he loved red lights and stalled traffic because they gave him the chance to breathe deeply and be grateful. Next slowdown, step out of your hectic day and back into yourself. Breathe deeply. Don’t you feel better?

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