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A Gift for Jesus This Christmas

If you could give a gift to God this Christmas, what would it be?

A gift for Jesus this Christmas
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Earlier this week three of our grandchildren came by to bake cookies and to hang out for a few hours. Within a couple of minutes of their arrival, they gravitated to the Christmas tree.

Eden, 4, asked, “Grandmama, who gets that big present?”

Before I could open my mouth to reply, her twin, Ethan, chimed in, “Is this one for me?”

Anna is our oldest grandchild at 11. She can read now, so she squealed, “This one is for me!” as she looked at one of the boxes.

Then just about every present under the tree was brought to us, one by one, along with a constant stream of questions about whose gift they were holding. Those kids could have done inventory!

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Gifts are a big part of Christmas. Just ask any kid (or one of us big kids). We put a lot of effort into buying our gifts, choosing just the right one for each person and then wrapping those presents in festive paper. 

But I realized: It’s His birthday that we’re celebrating. Why don’t we give gifts to Jesus at Christmas?

So here are my gifts for Him this year: 

G – I’m going to GIVE unto others in His name. And as I do, I’ll share about God’s goodness and faithfulness and His most perfect gift that’s available for all—His gift of love wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

I – I’m going to INVITE others to share Christmas with my family. God’s welcome mat is out for everyone. Why shouldn’t I do the same? Senior citizens, single parents and those far from home and family are often alone at Christmas. I can easily set extra plates on the dinner table and offer a warm welcome as we celebrate the reason for the season.

F – I’m going to FIND opportunities to spend time with Him. That’s one of the most special gifts I can give. Finding time to read His love letter to me, to talk with Him and to be still long enough so that I can hear His whispers to my heart.   

T – I’m going to give Him THANKS for all He’s done. God’s been so good and blessed my family so much that I could never thank Him enough, but I can try. And I hope that my words of praise will be music to His ears, almost like a Christmas carol from my heart to His.

What gift could you give Him this year? 

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