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A God You Can Depend On

We have a God we can depend on to weather the changes life throws at us, to provide for our needs, and to be with us for all the days of our lives.

A God you can depend on.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Things come and go, but God is always with us. You can depend on it.

“Wow, Granddaddy! Giant CD’s!” I loved that comment from my neighbor’s little granddaughter as she found the old vinyl records in his office. There are many things that we considered normal in our childhoods that kids of this generation have never seen or experienced before.  

Things change, and once you start thinking about it, it’s amazing how many items we once used frequently that are no longer around.

I was going to make a recipe recently that I hadn’t made in several years. After searching numerous stores and finally doing a search on Google, I realized that one of the ingredients is no longer in existence. That’s happened with several recipes lately.   

On another occasion, I remember taking my sons to an historic building in town. They’d never seen one of those old elevators where the iron bars slide across, and you use a handle to shut the door. They were fascinated, and we had to make a few extra trips before exiting the elevator.

I used to love looking at maps when our family went on trips, seeing where we’d been and how much farther we had to go. But it wasn’t until recently when our GPS and my cell phone quit during a rainstorm of epic proportions that I realized I hadn’t looked at a map in years. It was kind of scary to discover how dependent I’d become on technology when I almost panicked for a moment about how I’d get to my destination.  

Where we once carried our checkbooks with us everywhere, now we use debit or credit cards. Instead of having to go to the bank or make a phone call to check on our accounts, now we can go online and all the info is there at the tips of our fingers.

And there are other changes. As a child, I remember having to go to the library or to my aunt’s house to access the info in the encyclopedias. Now the world is available to us with a few quick clicks on our keyboards.

When our family took a trip to Disney World, I watched my son take videos of his children on his phone—a far different scenario than when he was a little boy and our video camera was so large and heavy that we rented a stroller so we wouldn’t have to carry it.  

Yes, times they are a-changing. But you know what I’m grateful for today? Jesus is the one thing that never changes. 

No matter what happens in our lives, no matter what happens in our world, we have a God we can depend on to weather the storms of life with us, to provide our needs, and to be with us for all the days of our lives.

This antique gal is sure grateful for that assurance! 

Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to day, and for ever.  (Hebrews 13:8)

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