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Called to Love, Not to Judge

God’s love isn’t exclusive; it’s inclusive. His love doesn’t write people off because they aren’t meeting our standards.

Don't judge others by what they wear. God is inclusive.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.(John 13:35, NIV).

I travel quite a bit teaching at women’s conferences and writers’ events, and I love to go to church in whatever city I happen to be in on that particular Sunday. From Catholic to Methodist to Assembly of God—I’ve attended church services in pretty much every denomination and have been blessed by the message and the people. But there was one Sunday that I wished I’d stayed in my hotel room and watched a TV minister instead.

We had just finished the praise and worship portion of the service when the pastor’s wife came up to the podium. I assumed she was there to welcome the congregation, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. She proceeded to take 10 minutes scolding those who were not dressed to her liking, stating that people should dress up when they come to church out of reverence to God.

As she continued her rant, I felt so ashamed. Not because I wasn’t dressed appropriately by her standards—because I was—but rather because she was misrepresenting my Heavenly Father. She may have cared that some individuals had come in blue jeans and shorts, but God didn’t. He welcomes all and loved every single person in that auditorium—even the pastor’s wife who was acting ugly in His Name.


I wondered if she had considered that old blue jeans and a holey T-shirt may have been that person’s only outfit. I wondered if she realized that not every person in that auditorium had enough money for food, let alone a new wardrobe. I wondered how someone with so much biblical knowledge could behave so badly.

And, I wondered if I’d ever been guilty of that same judgmental attitude. I hoped I hadn’t, but I asked God that very morning to help me see people through His eyes, not my own. And, I asked Him to help me love people unconditionally—like He does.

You see, it doesn’t take much effort to love those who look like us, act like us, and believe like us, but what about those who don’t? God’s love isn’t exclusive; it’s inclusive. His love doesn’t write people off because they aren’t meeting our standards.

Bottom line, as Christians we aren’t called to judge; we’re called to love.

We used to sing a powerful chorus at Camp Wildwood Church Camp that said, “They will know we are Christians by our love. By our love. Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” There’s a lot of truth in that little song.

For far too long, the church in general has been known for the things that we’re against. Isn’t it about time that we’re known for what we are for? I’m for unconditional love! I’m for second chances! I’m for hope! I’m for new beginnings! But most of all, I’m for God and He is for people. He loves us—all of us—with an unconditional and everlasting love. Since the Bible says we’re supposed to be like Him, isn’t it time we do the same?

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