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Create an Action Plan to Do Great Things This Lent

Follow these steps to help you become the best version of yourself.
Young woman writing down her Lent goals; Getty Images
Credit: www.peopleimages.com

This Lent, be strong and do great things. And by “great things,” we don’t mean simply giving up chocolate or caffeine (although those can be pretty tough, too). No, we’re talking about really making a difference in your life and the lives of others. Create a Lent plan so you can get the most out of this Lenten season.

Woman putting a calendar on the wall to mark her lent plan

1. Use the beginning of Lent to set goals for the next 40 days.

Lent is an exciting time to make meaningful life changes. It’s a rewarding journey of reflection and spiritual growth, which allows us to cultivate discipline and determination. During these 40 days, we can set new goals for ourselves, whether it’s devoting more prayer time or making better food choices. Starting Lent with a clear plan and intention can help open the door to slower living and stretch our growth mindset beyond our comfort zone. And at the end of this special season, we will have a new appreciation for the beauty of life — one that could last long after Easter Sunday!

Woman writing down her goals in her lent plan journal

2. Figure out what you want to accomplish during Lent and write it down.

Committing to achieving goals during Lent can be a great way to build spiritual discipline, deepen your faith, and set yourself up for success. Finding what is most important to focus on and making it tangible by writing it down can help you confront the hard and inspiring tasks ahead. Setting clear, but attainable goals that lead to developing a closer relationship with God not only can serve as a source of strength when adversity arises but also bring comfort each time those goals are accomplished. Seeking guidance from the word of God and asking friends or family for advice can also be useful in developing an achievable list. Put your Lent plan somewhere you will see it, like on your bathroom mirror, on your fridge, or even in your Bible. There’s nothing better than feeling the contributions you make every day amount to lasting transformation!

Woman in a light blue sweater marks her lent plan with goals on her kitchen calendar

3. Make steps for achieving your Lent plans, including what steps you’ll take and when you’ll take them.

The best way to achieve one’s Lent goals is to have (and follow!) a written set of steps. This season can be the perfect time and opportunity to get yourself organized and put your Lent plan in writing. Making a timeline of what steps you need to take, and when you’ll complete them, creates visibility and clarity in reaching your goal. So if your heart desires something that requires organizing actions, Lent is the perfect time to make it happen. You can use these steps for creating positive habits to make your Lent plan even more effective:

  • Try habit stacking, or the the technique of adding new habits to your existing habits, to make your Lent goals a part of your daily schedule.
  • Don’t throw in the towel if you slip up. Go easy on yourself and remember you can always try again tomorrow.
  • Consider making your Lent goals more manageable by turning them into micro habits.
  • Keep track of your accomplishments by writing down which parts of your Lent plan you achieved.
Man prays with his eyes closed as part of his lent plan

4. Get rid of distractions that might prevent you from accomplishing your Lent goals – this may mean giving up social media, watching less TV, or spending less time with certain people.

Taking time to eliminate distractions can be beneficial in helping you accomplish your goal. Make a decision to stop watching too much television, being glued to social media, or spending too much time on leisure activities that aren’t moving you forward. Making these changes will free up time and energy and help you focus on your goal with renewed motivation and dedication. Clearing distractions is like taking a deep breath before taking a plunge into something new; it makes reaching success much easier!

Woman in support group encourages another woman about her lent plan


5. Find a support group or someone who will hold you accountable to your Lent plan – this could be a friend, family member, or even an online community.

Taking on a Lent plan is difficult sometimes, you can use a little help. That’s why it helps to have someone cheering you on and supporting you as you move ahead. An excellent way to find someone like this is to get involved with a support group or other online communities related to the Lent goals you want to accomplish. Having guidance, advice, and friendly competition can be all the motivation needed when inspiration isn’t so easy. Support groups or friends who will hold you accountable can keep you in check during the tough times, inspiring and encouraging you towards success in whatever it is you set out to do.

Person with arms raised at sunset feeling accomplished after following their lent plan

6. Finally, don’t give up! Even if you falter along the way, remember that Lent is about finding strength in God to do great things.

It’s almost time for Lent! Although it can be challenging to give up what we desire, the rewards, in the end, should be worth all the hard work. Throughout the next few weeks, even if you don’t follow your Lent goals perfectly, remember that you can find strength in God to finish strong. Don’t give up as Easter approaches; trust that you’ll be able to tackle any obstacles through perseverance and strength from God. The sense of accomplishment and joy when your Lent plan is complete is a truly amazing feeling. So with this reminder, happy Lent!

So, there you have it—a simple guide to setting and achieving your Lenten goals! Just remember to be realistic about what you can do, make a plan of action, get rid of distractions, find someone to hold you accountable, and never give up. And most importantly, don’t forget that the point of Lent is to grow closer to God. We hope this season is a time of reflection and joy for you as you strive to become the best version of yourself.


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