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Doomscrolling: What It Is and How to Stop

These five simple tips can help you spend less time on your phone, sleep better and feel more hopeful about the world.
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Have you noticed yourself spending more time scrolling through your phone? Were you bombarded with troubling headlines, upsetting posts, and bad news? If you did, chances are it didn’t make you feel any better. In fact, it probably made you feel worse. You’re not alone. This bad scrolling habit now has a name: doomscrolling.

What is Doomscrolling?

The phenomenon of doomscrolling, sometimes called doomsurfing, is so common, Merriam-Webster added the terms to the dictionary. The meaning: “The tendency to continue to surf or scroll through bad news, even though that news is saddening, disheartening, or depressing.”

Though the terms originated in 2018, they became much more popular during Covid-19, as people constantly scrolled through news articles and social media posts to learn more about the pandemic.

Man doomscrolling on his phone while at the park

Effects of Doomscrolling

According to Healthline, doomscrolling can have many negative effects, including:

  • disrupted sleep
  • increased anxiety
  • increased depression
  • feelings of loneliness

The effects of doomscrolling don’t just happen as we do it. We can walk away from our phones and still feel uneasy, unrested and less hopeful about the world.

How to Stop Doomscrolling

Luckily there are practical steps we can take to walk away from the phone and live our lives with more positivity and hope. Doing this will help us balance our time on the phone and use it for staying informed instead of doomscrolling all day.

Check out these five simple tips for breaking the cycle of doomscrolling:

Man looking at his watch so he stops doomscrolling on his phone

1. Set a timer for yourself

Spending less time on your phone is the best way to minimize your doomscrolling. However, just putting your phone down to focus on something else isn’t always the best technique. You might need to answer a text or email and soon find yourself back on social media apps like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

A more effective option is to set a timer. If you want to check out what your friends are doing on social media, put a timer on your phone for 10 minutes. When it goes off, close out the app. There is even a function on some phones to limit how often you can have a certain app open. Set a low limit for the apps you use most often and soon you’ll break the habit of endless scrolling.

business woman doomscrolling on her phone while she drinks coffee

2. Make note of when you doomscroll

Do you find yourself reaching for your phone in the morning while you drink coffee? Or maybe during your lunch break or to unwind after work? Chances are you probably do your doomscrolling at the same time every day.

Make note of when you find yourself endlessly scrolling and instead fill that time with a non-phone related activity. Spend your morning listening to music or sitting by your window and watching birds and other animals. Use your lunch break to go on a walk or do some easy exercises. Relax after work with a cozy mystery book or a devotional to help you reflect on your day.

Woman laughing at something funny on her phone to avoid doomscrolling

3. Use your phone to lift your spirits. 

Instead of letting your phone bring your spirits down, use it as a tool to lift your spirits. Facetime or text with a friend or family member you haven’t connected with in a while. Make a note to follow websites or social media pages that share stories focused on positivity and hopefulness – like Guideposts.org!

Listen to an audiobook or a podcast to unwind after a long day or learn something new. Abide, a Christian meditation and prayer app, is a great way to bring yourself relaxation and spiritual peace.

Girl facetiming with her family to avoid doomscrolling

4. Check in with friends and family. 

Often you may doomscroll without realizing it. You might be thinking, just one more post, just one more article… and before you know it, you’ve been scrolling for too long and you’re in a terrible mood. This is why it’s important to check in with your friends and family, to make sure they aren’t spending too much time reading negative media. You can ask them to do the same for you!

Plan activities or days where you spend time together without constantly checking your phones – whether hiking outside, walking through the park, or staying in to play board games or watch a movie. Focus on your time together.

READ MORE: 7 Ways to Create the Habit of Family Prayer

Woman reading a book before bed to avoid doomscrolling

5. Don’t look at your phone before bed 

One of the prime times to doomscroll is in the evenings, particularly right before bed. We often spend this time scrolling through our phone and getting more anxious, instead of using this time to reflect on our day and relax. It can make the process of winding down for bed take even longer. Alter your bedtime habits to something more positive. It can be an opportune time to check in with God, whether through prayer, meditation, a devotional or reading your favorite nighttime Bible passages.

Woman singing and listening to music to avoid doomscrolling

6. Replace doomscrolling with a positive habit

Keep in mind that there are dozens of other things you could be doing besides scrolling through your phone and getting upset. Committing to a new positive habit can be a great way to detach yourself from the phone and feel better about your life. Here are some fun and relaxing positive habits you can start when you feel yourself reaching for the phone:

  • Start journaling. Make the experience even more positive by writing in a daily gratitude journal.
  • Spend time outside. Go for a daily walk or invite your friends to a weekly picnic at a nearby park.
  • Put on some music and sing. Find a favorite song you haven’t listened to in years and see if you remember all the words.
  • Learn something new. Instead of focusing on negative news, pick out the subject that interests you— history, art, science, or spirituality. Find a podcast or online publication that cover the topics and dive in!


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