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Happy Birthday, Billy Graham!

One man said “yes” when God called him, and millions of lives were changed.

Reverend Billy Graham

When my father, Walter Medlock, was a new Christian, he volunteered to be a counselor at the weeklong Billy Graham Crusade that was scheduled for the fall of 1962 in Bedford, Indiana. Daddy was willing to serve, but he wasn’t sure he knew enough about the Lord to be very helpful.

On the first night of the crusade as “Just As I Am” filled the gymnasium, my Dad hurried down front in case he was needed to counsel one of the many who’d come forward for salvation.

Billy Graham, a Biography of America's Greatest EvangelistJust then, he saw a woman he knew through business motioning for him. She explained that her 9-year-old daughter had responded to the invitation.

Daddy smiled down at the little blue-eyed girl and said, “Honey, do you want to make Jesus the Lord of your life?”

She nodded her head, so he shared a few scriptures with her and led her in the Sinner’s Prayer. After she had accepted Jesus Christ into her heart, he shook her hand and said: “This is the beginning of a whole new life for you!”

Then, he shook the mother’s hand and noticed her countenance was heavy.

“Have you ever asked Jesus into your heart?” Daddy asked.

She dropped her eyes to the gym floor and sadly shook her head no.

“Well, we can take care of that right now,” he said, smiling.

Fifteen years later, that same mother came into my Dad’s place of business and asked, “Do you remember me?”

As soon as he locked eyes with her, he did.

“I sure do. How’s your daughter?”

“That’s why I’m here,” she explained. “I thought you might like to know that my little girl who you prayed with so many years ago is leaving for the mission field next week. She’s devoted her life to winning souls for Christ.”

After she left, Daddy thanked God for allowing him to be part of the Billy Graham Crusade and the most important event in that little girl’s life.

This is just one story that resulted from one Billy Graham Crusade…there are countless others. After all, Evangelist Billy Graham, who turns 96 on Friday, has preached the Gospel message in person to more people than anyone in history, and millions more have heard him through television, radio and film.

Just think how many millions of lives will never be the same all because one man said “yes” when God called him. Billy Graham truly is a faith giant, and someone who has dedicated his entire life to serving God.

I grew up in a Christian home where Billy Graham was revered. If he happened to be preaching on TV, we gathered around the RCA and watched him.

When I was in high school and had questions about angels, my mom gave me Billy Graham’s book, “Angels: God’s Secret Agents,” which I read in one night. And as a Christian writer, I often find myself quoting the Rev. Graham, sharing his wisdom with those who are in my circle.

You might say that I’ve always had a deep respect for this great man of faith, yet I really didn’t know much about his upbringing or his calling to the ministry or many details about his extraordinary life.

I just knew the basics until I got a copy of W. Terry Whalin’s book, Billy Graham: A Biography of America’s Greatest Evangelist which hit bookstores this week.

This easy-to-read (and hard-to-put-down) biography of the Rev. Graham gave me so much more insight into his life.

As I read about his humble beginnings as a farm boy; his own salvation experience as a teenager; the start of the crusades; his relationships and service to America’s leaders; his preaching around the world; and so much more–I was inspired, encouraged and challenged to follow the path God has for me and run my race with excellence, too.

Not only is it written by an incredibly talented wordsmith (Whalin is a fellow Indiana University graduate to boot!), but it is jam-packed with moving anecdotes shared by those closest to the Rev. Graham.

You know, I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Billy Graham’s birthday than to ask you a simple question–do you know Jesus?

And one follow-up question–would you like to know him today?

If so, please pray this prayer with me right now:  

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for my sins. I want to turn from my sins. I now invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as Lord and Savior. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Happy birthday, Billy Graham.

Keep on doing God’s work, and we’ll keep following your example. 

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