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Andie MacDowell’s Favorite Roles

Andie MacDowell reveals which of her screen roles were her favorites.

[MUSIC PLAYING] It’s hard for me to pick one role. People always want you to pick one role. What is your favorite role? But I have several that are my favorites. And I would have to say that I do love “Sex, Lies, and Videotape” that I did with Steven Soderbergh because it changed my life. 

Before I did that movie, I had a– I was really struggling. I was having, you know, a hard time just getting a job or having people take me serious. And the character– I loved the character Ann Bishop Mullany. And I had a lot of compassion for her, and I just– I thought she was very well written. 

And we had no money. And the system, the way we worked, was just– the camaraderie on the film was amazing. It was made for a million dollars and just an incredible experience. 

But then I also did, you know, “Groundhog Day,” which everybody loves. Everybody loves “Groundhog Day.” And Harold Ramis is the nicest man in the whole world. And it has an incredible message. I think there’s a real spiritual message in that movie about getting it right, you know. 

And it would be nice if we could live– you know, learn from our mistakes and get to recreate our lives and get it right. But there is that message of really thinking about what you’re doing every day. And I think that’s a beautiful message in that movie, “Groundhog Day.” And then it’s just a fun movie to watch, too. 

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