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Why You Should See “The Lego Movie”

I loved the movie’s message: Believe in yourself, value inspiration, think positively and be creative.

Benny from The Lego Movie. Image credit: www.thelegomovie.com

When I was a little girl, I could almost always be found either playing outdoors or inside with my Legos. I loved being physically active, exploring and playing sports. And I loved using my imagination as I lay on the floor constructing with my Legos.

My favorite thing to build was a home, with windows strategically placed to let in light, entrance stairs at just the right angle and neat areas throughout to sit, lie down and eat. The Legos of my generation were nothing compared to the options of today, but what you don’t know doesn’t hurt you, right?

My children and I ventured out this week to see The Lego Movie. I was as excited as they were to see what this wildly talked-about movie had in store. None of us were disappointed!

The creativity, animation and talent in every scene were mind-blowing. The characters were voiced by fabulous actors–including some of my favorites, Morgan Freeman and Will Ferrell. The music was clever and contagious (we have all been singing the main jingle since!). But what took hold of me more than anything else was the message of the movie: Believe in yourself, value inspiration, think positively and be creative.





Who would ever have guessed that Legos and messages such as these–ones my grandparents, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and Ruth Stafford Peale, spent a good part of their lives sharing with millions of people–would come together? How timeless and straightforward these messages are and how fabulous that children and adults of all ages can go to a “kids’ movie” and get a good dose of them. My hope is that each person who sees this movie will allow these messages to enhance their lives. It may sound a bit grand to expect that of a movie filled with animated Legos, but why not?!

Every day, Guideposts Outreach shares written materials with messages of hope, inspiration, self-worth and positive thinking all over the world. The goal is to reach even more people, to have an impact on as many lives as possible, through as many avenues possible. I love that The Lego Movie’s messages are heard by so many people, young and not so young. We would be so grateful, here at Guideposts, for your help in supporting and sharing our inspirational materials. I know that, like The Lego Movie, they will make a difference in the lives they touch.

Image credit: TheLegoMovie.com

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