A Special Lent Activity for Your Family
Begin a new tradition that offers everyone a way to approach Easter with meaning, reflection—even fun.
What is a family? Sometimes your family includes friends who stand by you in every season of life. The heart of your family might also be your marriage, or the meaning and purpose you derive from parenting, caregiving, or even loving the pets who never let you down.
Begin a new tradition that offers everyone a way to approach Easter with meaning, reflection—even fun.
She resolved to write a letter a day for Lent. It changed her life.
When her daughter expressed frustration with her cutting remarks, she knew a change was in order. Lent was the perfect time to undertake it.
Our creative ideas will help your family be inspired and grow closer to God.
Explore four ways to make, keep and deepen the friendships in your life from this dynamic duo.
The Bible teacher and best-selling author discusses setting boundaries, managing relationships and how to know when to say goodbye.
The longtime Guideposts contributor and friend passed away at the age of 104.
A former contributor and man of solid faith dies at 104.
Their difficult first marriages strengthened their relationship in ways they didn’t expect.
7 couples share what keeps them happily married.
Use these beautiful quotes about love, romance, and friendship to remember the importance of this holiday.
Heaven-sent signs, loving surprises and secret admirers—these divine stories show us the many kinds of love on Valentine’s Day.