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7 Best Friends and Family Stories

From de-cluttering tips to parenting advice, discover the most popular stories about friends and family

A happy group of people gathered in the kitchen for friends and family stories
Credit: Petar Chernaev
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Reading and sharing friends and family stories can be a wonderful way to laugh and learn. From parenting to marriage to finding a place for a furry friend, family life has many facets. We’ve got them all covered. For 75 years, Guideposts has been thrilled to share true accounts of friends and family with the world.

Here are five of our most popular friends and family stories:

Lester Holt Shares How Family and Faith Influenced His Career

The respected and award-winning NBC Nightly News anchor discusses the role that his supportive, church-going family continues to impact the work he was called to do. Learn how Lester Holt is influences by his faith. 

Beth Moore on Making Marriage Work

The evangelist, author and founder of Living Proof Ministries, shares a tale of a time when her husband couldn’t give her the affirmation that she wanted and needed. See how Beth Moore and her husband learned to honor one another. 

Jen Hatmaker on the Benefits of Positive Parenting

The popular author and mother of five shares how her positive approach to life impacts her parenting. Read how Jen Hatmaker encourages herself and her kids.

Prayer Shawl From a Friend

Lou Zywicki Prudhomme, fearful over a pending surgery she must undergo, wishes she had the comforting prayer shawl she gave away some months ago. Learn how Lou’s friend hundreds of miles away stepped up.

4 Ways to Clear Clutter from a Family Home

Caregivers are often faced with the additional challenge of relocating their loved ones from a home they’ve lived in for decades. Holly Lebowitz Rossi shares some tips for beginning the process paring down lifetime of possessions. See her best decluttering tips here. 

A Sign She Was the Right Dog

Deb Martel has four dogs and wonders if she should has room for a fifth canine friend. Learn how a teacup poodle named Faith convinced her the answer was yes.

A Family Lesson Learned at a Hobbit House

It would be a magical anniversary trip in The Shire of Montana—as long as Erin Janoso’s daughter could follow the rules. See how this family learned an important life lesson while staying at a cozy Hobbit home. 

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