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Cookbooks, Family Dinners and Making Memories

Memories of families cooking together

Credit: Getty Images

Mama’s spaghetti bowl. It was hard for me to part with my mother’s things, and this was the final object I’d included in her estate sale. You can’t keep everything, Elizabeth, I chided myself.

The morning of the sale, a stranger claimed that periwinkle bowl. “Mama always wanted to be a stewardess,” I told her. “But airplanes were new in 1939, and you had to be an RN to become a stewardess. So Mama took care of that—she went to nursing school!”

“Oh, I love hearing this!” the woman said.

“Mama was 98 years old when she passed away. She lived independently in her own home until a stroke took her to heaven,” I continued. I mentioned how my mother’s hands had been featured in a TV commercial for a local hospital, then talked about the Sunday dinners during which we used the bowl. As I talked, I found myself smiling.

For the rest of the sale, I not only sold items but also shared stories about my mother. I wasn’t getting rid of Mama’s things—I was spreading her legacy.

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